Please check if your question is listed below. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us via the dedicated form.

What are the delivery times?

The shipping time is 24 hours, then it will take about 3 to 7 working days for the reception. In case of force majeure, it is possible that the delivery by the carrier is slightly delayed: in this case, be patient.

How do I track my package?

Your tracking link has been emailed to you (don't forget to check your spam folder). If you haven't received it, your can check your tracking link by clicking here.

Where can I find the user manual?

The user manual is also available online, click here to read it. Remember to follow all the steps to make the product work.


The average response time is 1 to 2 working days. Avoid sending multiple messages as this will put you in last position and you lose priority. If you haven't received anything, please check your junk mail and promotional mail.